World Day Against Child Labour Quotes

 World Day Against Child Labour Quotes

World Day Against Child Labour is a great opportunity to raise awareness in our neighbourhoods to stop child labour. The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed millions of kids on the brink of poverty and ultimately child labour has increased.
World Day Against Child Labour  QUOTES to share
World Day Against Child Labour is celebrated each year on June 12 to create awareness. We have compiled a list of World Day Against Child Labour quotes.

  1. Child labour is child abuse.  Say no to child labour.
  1. Children are our future, let them grow
  1. The child's hands are too small to work
  1. Tell your neighbour to child labour is illegal.
  1. Child labour is a social crime
  1. Education is their birthright. End child labour
  1. Give the child a pencil, but not a plate to wash
  1. Child labour is a shame. Stop child labour.
  1. Let them earn knowledge, not money.
  1. Say no to child labour, yes to education.

  • A child is meant to learn, not to earn.
  • A child is your heart not born to push your cart.
  • A school should be their only workplace.
  • Buildings are built on big lands, and work is done by tiny hands.
  • Cheap labour today, uneducated inefficient workforce tomorrow.
  • Child labour – evolution stops here.
  • Child labour brings illiteracy whereas child education brings literacy.
  • Child labour is a social crime, and every child has a right to shine.
  • Child labour is a violation, you should concentrate on education.
  • Child labour is very tough, don’t make their future rough.
  • Child labour isn’t the best, so give them a break, and let them rest.
  • Child labour perpetuates poverty, unemployment, illiteracy, population growth, and other social problems.
  • The child’s hands are too small to work; they look good holding a pencil.
  • A child’s mind is very fast; let them make it very vast.
  • Childhood is for learning and adulthood is for earning.
  • Children are not doing fine if they are in a factory Line.
  • Children are not made of wood but of blood and flesh, Stop Child labour.
  • Children are precious, let them be children, not workers.
  • Children deserve to hold books, not bricks. Stop child labour!
  • Children have their whole lives to work a job; they have only a few years to be a child.
  • Say no to child labour yes to education.
  • Say yes to quality education against child labour violations.
  • Send your kids to classes, but not to wash tea glasses.
  • Show a child love and care, child labour is just not fair.
  • Small hands can handle a pen better.



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